| Xiaochi Dong
Solo Exhibition:Petrichor
Period:2024.2.24 -2024.3.17
Organization:THE SHOPHOUSE, Hongkong
THE SHOPHOUSE is pleased to present Petrichor, the first solo exhibition in Hong Kong by Chinese artist Dong Xiaochi (b.1993),currently works and lives in London, UK.
Drawing inspiration from artificial landscapes of different scales, including traditional Chinese gardens, botanical gardens, and miniature ecosystems. Dong explores diverse concepts related to simulating, imitating, and compressing nature. His creative endeavours primarily encompass painting and mixed-media pieces. By creating images saturated with hints of light, humidity and atmosphere, Dong aims to give forms to contemporary images of nature.
| Di Yang
Gruop Exhibition: What Happened after Nora Left?
Period: 2024.3.2 - 2024.4.7
Organization: United Art Center, Beijing
What Happened to Nora After She Left is Lu Xun's (1923) critical essay on Nala's encounters in the family and social life of the play A Doll's House: Nora on the stage is initially contented that she has found a place to stay in the treacherous tide of society, and accompanied by dialogues and self-confessions, Nora dwells on her own encounters time and again and finally realizes that "not only is she a puppet on a string, but so is the child playing with a human doll, and by extension, how others direct her to do what she does. She is not only a puppet with strings, but also a doll that the child holds and plays with, and by extension, she does whatever she is told to do. ...... She left, only to hear the door slam, and then the closing......."
| Ziyun Xu
Gruop Exhibition: Exfoliation
Period: 2024.3.2 - 2024.5.5
Organization: IN& OUT, Zhejiang
Social media and mass communication, retouching software and algorithmic programming, and ultimately hand-painting and AI input, these multiple options in front of every contemporary visual artist, along with the paints crammed onto the palette, the colour-stained brushes, and the smell of turpentine in the air in a painter's studio, are all leaping out of the toolboxes of today's image creators, stuffed to bursting.