Mengzhou | On the Incomplete Wonder, the entrance to reality

In the time of the gods, Incomplete Wonder was the pillar of heaven on earth, and when it fell, the worlds of gods and men have been separated ever since. Incomplete Wonder symbolizes incompleteness and disaster. Or rather, it is itself a collection of incompleteness and disaster. Taking the mythological metaphor of Incomplete Wonder, Meng Zhou's exhibition "Incomplete Wonder · Everlasting Land" at Nan Ke Gallery opens. The narrow and slender layout of Shanghai's old houses, the third-floor height and the one-person walkway made the whole experience of viewing the exhibition like climbing a mountain, with Meng Zhou's works scattered all over the mountain, and I walked along the way to pick up the symbolic experiences awakened by the different materials: the Western Christmas tree, the Oriental occult; the ancient frescoes, the modern totems; the materials and cultures were intricately intertwined and juxtaposed! ...... At certain moments, these dualistic structures fade away, bringing people into the unfamiliar yet familiar rituals of life experience……


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January 30, 2024
of 28