Xuan Liu is a Chinese multi-disciplinary artist based in London,Shanghai and Nanchang. She is graduated in2020 from a Master in Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts (UAL) in London. Liu is a Fine Arts Special Lecturelat UAL since 2020 and an Assistant Lecturer at Jiangxi Science and Technology NormalUniversity, China, since2016. She co-founded the art project GMF(Glimmer Music Festival) in 2019, after her local music festival inNanchang(2012-2015).
Xuan Liu's studio work has largely focused on analogue and digitalaudio technologies, sculpture, video,performances and eventproductions. She works individually and collaboratively to explorenotions and conceptsof the merging of noumenal experience andfiction, negotiating between the human body's sensoryepistemologyand the development of sound technology, contemporary spiritualismand ritual, expanded theatreand improvisation.Her creative system is inspired by the Buddhist concept of sym biosis.As a researcher, Liu Xuan has an ongoingobservation of the relationship between the work, the audience, and her self as an artistin the exhibition spaceusing public participation to trigger the flow ofsound energy. She views this series of mixed-media works asaseauence of sound events presented as open-ended structures, within which she searches for soundconnections: ontological, fictional, hierarchical, symbiotic, heterogeneous, controllable anduncontrollable. Theartist also views such events as single and serialexperiments, enjoying the various uncontrollable parts oftheexhibition and performance process that lead to the intervention andproduction of relationships while predetermining the rules ofparticipation in advance.
Her works and projects are globally exhibited, being recently featuredin Slime Engine's online exhibition withher piece Ocean 2 in China 2021), in TATE Britain's Tate Late series, Uk (2021), in jlN Space, China (2021). inNumero Magazine, China (2021), in Fringe Arts Bath, UK(2020), and in Turner Contemporary withAssemblageExperiments, UK(2020), among others.
2024 To summon all, MOORDN ART FAIR, Guangzhou, CN
2024 Taking the Night Bus Home, SNAP, Shanghai, CN
2024 Mnemosyne Textilest, Atmosphere Space, Nanjing, CN
2024 CofrequencyUniverse(Sound), Columbia Circle, Shanghai, CN
2023 Play Time Heterotopia, SANTU GALLERY, Shanghai, CN
2023 Autocatalytic Replication(Sound), System, Shanghai, CN
2022 Orange-red Variable, The Yellow Box Open Exhibition , Himalayas Museum, Shanghai, CN
2022 Translucid, Galerie du Crous, Paris, FR
2022 UP TO THE Ground, Laboutic space, UK
2021 Organ Without a Body 2, Slimeengins, Shanghai, CN
2021 Falling Angels Whithout a Flying Soul, Yao Space, Shanghai, CN
2021 Persona Non Grata, 14(Sound), Constructing Landscapes/Building Worlds, Tate Britain, UK
2021 ID: F(Sound), Trans-Media theatre project, JIN Space, Nanjing, CN
2021 10 years of Numero, Numero Magazine, CN
2021 No Theater, Indie Film Showing, SO SAGE OBSERVATORY, CN
2020 Organ Without a Body 1, Co. Lab sound, Fringe Arts Bath Festival, UK
2020 Mardi Gras Festival, Banqueting Hall, UK
2020 Common or Garden, The Cookhouse Gallery, UK
2020 Mapping, The Cookhouse Gallery, UK
2020 Assemblage Experiments, Turner Contemporary, UK
2020 Body(E)motions, The Cookhouse Gallery, UK
2020 Unit, Chelsea Triangle Space, UK